Week 27 - 29

Time as certainly got away from me! So much going on these days! So we will have a three week combo post, sorry so lengthy! :)

Lots of growing for baby boy in the last three weeks. We did have an ultrasound on the 19th and baby boy is officially 2 lbs, 10 ounces.

A little update on baby from www.babycenter.com:

Week 27 - He is sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing his eyes, and perhaps even sucking his fingers. With more brain tissue developing, his brain is very active now. While his lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if he were to be born now. Any tiny rhythmic movements I might be feeling could be a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don't bother him. We did hear him hiccup at our last appointment - more on that below :)

Week 28 - He can blink his eyes, which now sport lashes. I wonder if he has Grants long eye lashes, always loved that feature of Grant :) With his eyesight developing, he may be able to see the light that filters in through my womb. He's also developing billions of neurons in his brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world. Which is coming up so soon!

Week 29 - His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. His bones are soaking up lots of calcium. Good thing that is one thing I have been good about eating/drinking! Little fact: In the 3rd trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby's hardening skeleton each day.

As far as doctors appointments, we did have an ultrasound appointment in week 29. Unfortunately, it was not just a peek at baby boy, no news is good news appointment. We had a new ultrasound tech this time, and she went through the normal pictures and everything seemed to be going ok. She called in our maternal fetal medicine doctor to review and take any other pictures that might be needed. Our doctor did mention there were a few concerns and that she wanted to do a NST (Non Stress Test) to just check things out.

They couldnt really see baby moving a ton on the ultrasound and asked me how often I feel him moving. I am not feeling him a ton but do feel something everyday. They would like me to feel him multiple times a day. I do have an anterior placenta so that could be one of the reasons Im not feeling him as much and he is measuring in the lower 30th percentile so that could also be another reason why.

They also couldnt really detect his breathing pattern on the ultrasound. Hearing this was one of those heart stopping moments. He was laying on his belly and really low under my belly button. So they said the NST would help with monitoring this.

Actually he was so low that they couldnt measure my cervix, so they had to vaginally. Good news is my cervix is the perfect size, so we can rule out shortening of the cervix.

Lastly, they was a concern about the low cord blood flow. She explained that this is common for Down Syndrome babies, and that it may be normal for the rest of the pregnancy. But I would need to come back for more frequent ultrasounds to keep an eye on it. If it decreased even more, that could mean the placenta is deteriorating or separating and he would not be getting the blood and oxygen to his brain that he needs at that time. That would result in delivering baby boy early.

And at that moment she said the words you never want to hear. We all know Down Syndrome babies have a high risk of still born, so we need to monitor him closely. :( Not a conversation you want to be prepped for during any part of your pregnancy. :(

Grant and I were not aware of that fact. The genetic counselor did explain to us that still born births are very high with Trisomy 18 and 13. But not 21.

So the plan was to do a NST that day, and than I will come in twice a week for NST's, and once a week for ultrasounds until I deliver. Funny how they call it a NON Stress Test because I felt nothing but stress! But the test went well. They hook up two devices to my belly. One monitors baby's heartbeat and movement, the other records contractions in my uterus. You can hear baby's heartbeat from an electronic screen while my contractions are recorded on paper. They also have me push a button every time I feel the movement. I cant tell you how much relief I felt hearing his heartbeat. We also kept hearing this jumping noise, he was hiccuping! It was so adorable! Definitely Grant's son, that man always has the hiccups. The doctor and nurse were so happy to hear him hiccuping. They said that is a great sign! They said I should feel the hiccuping, but Im not :( But all in all, he is doing good with movement, so that put my mind at ease a little bit.

I go back on Monday for another ultrasound to check the cord blood, and see if its the same or changed. That will help determine if low flow is the norm for right now.

The very next day we had a doctors appointment with our midwife, and Im so glad we did because a million questions were going through our heads! Im so glad we have chosen a midwife, she really takes her time with us and answers all the questions we have. Its really comforting. We talked about the ultrasound from the day before and she reassured us that it is not been determined why stillborn birth occurs with Down Syndrome babies, but with the extra monitoring that we are doing we will have a better chance of catching whatever might come up and will deliver from this point on out if they see necessary. She said lots of babies are delivered as early as 29 weeks and have a high survival rate. Sometimes its just better for the baby to be out of the womb than in. They can provide better care for the baby needs outside the womb in these situations. She was a little concerned about my blood pressure being borderline normal/high and wants to keep an eye on that weekly. She explained how down syndrome pregnancies tend to have a high risk of preeclampsia. She did take a urine test to check protein and it was negative, so said we will just keep an eye on your blood pressure to see if we notice any spikes or if higher side of normal is the norm right now.

We talked a lot about breast feeding and how difficult latching on is going to be for baby boy. So she gave us a referral to the lactation consultant at the hospital. We were able to meet with her when we went on our hospital tour, and got some great information from her to! She has worked with many moms with down syndrome babies with the AVCD heart condition. So that was really reassuring to.

I did finally take my glucose test and passed with flying colors! YAY to that! I have to admit I was a little worried about that one with all the sweets I've been eating. Yes, Im backing off the sweets. Or should I say trying. :p

I know these next few weeks and increased appointments are going to be overwhelming. But I am so glad that my doctors are taking the precautions they are to keep as close as an eye on baby boy as possible. An early diagnosis has been difficult, but it is also giving us all the extra care that may be vital to a healthy delivery! Just going to focus on hearing and seeing baby boy each week. That never gets old! :)

Really hoping to just make it to 35 weeks at this point! Or at least to our birthing class on September 21st! Which I think takes us just past 35. :-o

I better get that hospital bag packed, just in case!

So how about those fun updates now :)

How far along: 27-29 Weeks

Baby Size: Week 29 is acorn squash!

Total weight gain/loss: 35lbs

Maternity clothes? All maternity clothes at this point

Stretch marks? I did notice a few on my hips

Sleep: Sleep, what is that again? LOL I am waking up multiple times through the night now. Its just starting to get uncomfortable. And Im constantly thinking about if Im on my back and think thats waking me up! LOL

Best moment this week: There have been a few over the last three weeks. Definitely reuniting with my 3 Day fam! It was my 9th year participating in the Michigan Breast Cancer 3 Day, and I joined the crew again on Pit Stop 3. We did a fun pirate theme and I had a great time dressing up Emerson :) After the last few months of worrying so much about this pregnancy, it was nice to just let everything go for three days and support the walkers in the fight against a horrible disease! Another year of great memories :)

More 3 Day pictures will post in the photos album to the left later today. After I post this I have to get back to packing!

Another great moment as you might have read on the previous post - we found a rental!!! WOOT! WOOT! We move in labor day weekend. As you can imagine this is SUCH a relief! We are so excited to be closer to family and start this next fresh chapter of our lives :)

Miss Anything? Shoes! I cant seem to get anything but flip flops on these days! When I would go shopping if I couldnt find anything I could always find a cute pair of shoes....not anymore! Ha!

Movement: I thought that the movement I was feeling was pretty good, but my doctors are concerned about the lack of movement. :( I do feel him every day but maybe only once or twice. So I am doing fetal movement counts twice a day now. After I eat, laying on my side, with hands on my uterus and try to feel 10 movements. As long as we are within two hours we are ok :)

Food cravings: Nothing to crazy these days. My chili cheese fries cravings has subsided. Probably a good thing. Ha! Donuts are still kind of a craving. And wouldnt you know those three furbabies actually got into a dozen donuts the other day! Dont even ask why I felt the need to buy a dozen when there are only two humans living in this house. Im pregnant, sometimes I dont think logically. :p Guess the dogs have a sweet tooth to. LOL

I have really been craving a Loui's Antipasto Salad. This pizza place in Hazel Park that has a delicious anitpasto salad with their own dressing that is so delicious. But Ive been craving that the whole pregnancy. Im sure it will be one of the first meals I request post partum :) Along with a beer. ;)

Gender prediction: Boy all the way!

Labor Signs: Nothing yet...thank goodness!

Belly Button in or out? Its pretty much flat now

Wedding rings on or off? Off, feels like its been off for months now. Feel so naked without it!

Happy or Moody most of the time: I have to admit I am getting very irritable. But I catch myself so that's good right? :)

Symptoms: Swelling seems to be my enemy these days. My feet are about a size and a half bigger now! I can fit one pair of heels but sandals are the only thing getting on my feet these days! I can see my ankle bone slowly disappearing...hoping by the time cankles arrive I wont be able to see my feet. Ha! My hands are swollen a lot to. My left hand always feels like its alseep and I cant really feel the tips of my fingers. My midwife explained how I probably have developed carpal tunnel from the swelling but not to worry that it will go away after delivery. She did suggest sleeping on my opposite side. So have been trying to rotate when I sleep. Maybe thats keeping me up to! Ha!

Im also starting to feel a little pain on my lower back and my pelvis area. Im sure from my ligaments and joints loosening up preparing for delivery. I also think it might be from the increased activity these past few weeks. So just taking it easy and resting often :)

My midwife did write me a letter of permission to get a prenatal massage. So finally going to put that Christmas gift certificate to good use! :) Massage, mani/pedi...sounds like a perfect Saturday in my near future.

Looking forward to: My baby shower! And settling into our new home :)

One last thing I want to mention. Grant and I were able to join a support group in our area. FEDS, Families Exploring Down Syndrome. They have been incredible. They sent us a little welcoming package in the mail and assigned us a sponsor family. The family has two kids, a son who is 5, and a daughter who is 3. The daughter was diagnosed with Down Syndrome and AVCD at birth. She had her heart surgery at four months old. We set up a time to go to their house and meet all of them, but unfortunately their son had a bad cough so we had to opt out and meet the mom and dad at a restaurant. They were great. We talked a lot about the surgery, what to expect, recovery, hospital stay, doctors, etc. And their daughter is doing great since the surgery! She hasnt had any issues since the surgery. They gave us lot of referrals for occupational therapists, programs, pediatricians, etc. They said anytime we want to join them at their daughters therapy appointments we are more than welcome to join to. They were so great! They answered our million questions and offered advice on things they wish they had known or done differently. We found out that they actually offer preschool to Down Syndrome toddlers at age 2 as well. Their daughter looked adorable in her little backpack that was almost as big as her! They even showed us a video of her escaping her crib. Literally climbing up and jumping out! Low muscle tone...not such a big problem right? :) Feel so fortunate to have them as a resource!

Ok, think Ill wrap this up finally. :) Did you make it to the end? If so you rock! :)

Lots of love to all of you. Your endless support is what carries us through each week. THANK YOU!

2 Comments Added

“Melissa, I really appreciate these moments that you have chosen to share!”

— Libra Finley-Mckennie

“I love the pirate picture! Keep up the good work Melissa :p”

— Lau Ra

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